What is a Trichologist?

A Trichologist is a hair, hair loss and scalp specialist. They are trained to look for and at hair loss problems in a holistic way by evaluating clients on the basis of personal history, lifestyle, genetic factors and environmental conditions.

Based on this consultation, a Trichologist normally suggests individualised cosmetic solutions, gives nutritional advice and recommends lifestyle changes to improve the health and appearance of the hair and scalp.

Like other non-physician type specialists such as nutritionists or trainers, a competent Trichologist should work closely with a medical doctor to refer to any medical problems suspected that may be associated with your clients hair loss.

Did you know?

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That's as early as your hair loss can begin

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of all people have noticeable hair loss in their lifetime

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of all male hair loss is Male Pattern Baldness

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of all female hair loss is Female Pattern Baldness

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of all women by middle age have noticeable hair loss

A bit about hair loss

A Trichology salon in the heart of Navan

The trichology clinic is the latest addition to the Ambrose Clinton Hair and Beauty salon. Started in 2021 by a newly qualified Ambrose Clinton from the US Trichology Institute in Florida, he set out with the aim of offering a vast range of solutions to those suffering from all types of hair loss.

Oftentimes, those suffering from hair loss tend to feel forgotten about and are forced to travel long distances for an appointment with a Trichologist. Ambrose sought to change this.

Setting up his Trichology clinic as part of his already well established salon in the heart of the town of Navan, has provided many locals the opportunity to seek essential treatment regarding their hair loss.

What does a Trichology appointment entail?

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Non-Invasive, non surgical treatments

Ambrose’s treatments for hair loss can vary in size and duration depending on each individual case. But one thing we can assure you is that every single option on the board is both non-invasive and non-surgical.

Hair Replacement Systems

These systems best suit those who suffer even from the most severe forms of hair loss, whether it’s Alopecia or even Male and Female Pattern Baldness, to name but a few.

Known to last anywhere between 4-5 weeks at a time, depending on how well you take care of them, these systems are so proficient that they allow the wearer to go about their daily lives as normal. You can even play sports and swim without any fear of the system coming loose!


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Hair refusions

Although technically not a trichology treatment, Ambrose has successfully used this technique to provide clients with the most severe cases of Alopecia, a full, natural looking head of hair.

By carefully integrating and blending hair to the clients balding areas, Ambrose will ensure that you are back to your most confident self!


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Medical Wigs

It’s important to feel as good and confident in yourself as possible when going through an illness that brings about hair loss. According to a 2018 research study conducted by the Jeonbuk National University Medical School, wearing a medical wig in cases of medically induced hair loss, can improve the wearer's overall quality of life by enhancing self-esteem and social adjustment. By tailoring a medical wig to fit your comfort and style, we hope to give you your confidence back.


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Hair Rejuvenation

Using the latest technology in rejuvenating hair, the Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Machine is a groundbreaking invention that can conduct the following treatments:

  • Accelerate blood circulation to improve regeneration ability of collagen fibers and promote metabolism
  • Modulate the hair follicles
  • Regulate oil secretions
  • Promote scalp health
  • Improve hair quality
  • Promote nutrient absorption

By using its unprecedented 650 & 670 nano micro dual harmonised laser for a therapeutic effect, the device will work below the scalp, breaking down DHT’s at the root of the hair follicle. Resulting in the most effective non-invasive hair regrowth system, where after 10-12 weeks of regular use, you can expect to see thicker, fuller, healthier hair.


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Depending upon your consultation with Ambrose, after a thorough and highly extensive hair and scalp analysis, he may prescribe you some of his vast range of products to combat your specific issue. From shampoos and conditioners, to serums and supplements, using renowned Trichology brands such as XTC, Ellen Wille and Factor G6, to name a few. These top of the line products in the field of Trichology, have an excellent track record in getting to the root of the problem at hand.


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Payment made easy

Did you know that if your hair loss is due to a medical condition or treatment, whether it be because of Chemotherapy, Alopecia or Trichotillomania, that you may be entitled to a HSE Medical Wig Grant?

If You Have Any Queries Regarding Medical Cards or The PRSI Wig Grant Please Contact Us:

[email protected] or phone us on (046) 906 0390